EVAM Rule of Things Gives You Big Data Usage, Reduces Costs, Increases Quality and Quantity in Manufacturing, and More

Yiğit Şener
5 min readSep 18, 2020


The Industrial Revolution has brought about mechanization which has triggered the evolution of serial production and automation. Through developing technology, the manufacturing world has stepped into a new age, industrial 4.0. In this new age, one of the most important phenomena is the ability to link things together, which means the internet of things (IoT). They can be devices, tools, materials of production, or people. The intelligence of things that can communicate with each other provides transformation into smart industries.

Right in the middle of this transformation movement, EVAM Rule of Things (RoT) provides an end-to-end platform that is secure, fast, and useful to your production journey.

EVAM stands out from its competitors with its real-time journey orchestration and scenario-based structure in contacting customers. It has also turned to the world of machines by targeting all devices that can communicate with each other or people via EVAM Rule of Things.

What is EVAM Rule of Things (RoT)?

EVAM RoT aims to collect (with PLC or other) and process data, then transfigure it into an analytical perspective on manufacturing. Using this data-driven perspective, you can create as many scenarios as you want and take action on EVAM RoT. You can also step into its artificial intelligence function.

Using significant data from many sensors, EVAM RoT’s artificial intelligence function allows action in the line with production strategies. For instance, artificial intelligence can detect anomalies during production via data from more than one sensor (pressure, temperature, etc.). Also, you can make strategic decisions using the reports generated by EVAM RoT’s structured and easy-to-read data for your company. Moreover, the platform has a cloud computing-centered structure (Amazon Web Service), which is considered one of the requirements of industry 4.0.

Why is EVAM RoT?

There are six reasons that EVAM Rule of Things is a necessity in manufacturing areas.

1. Suggestive Big Data: Big data is a golden concept in the life cycle of industry 4.0. However, there are unstructured data stacks in the many manufacturing yards. If you want to reach golden information inside big data, you need to convert unstructured data stacks into structured data. At this point, EVAM RoT collects data stacks from PLC, camera, or things and then transforms them into structured, meaningful data in real-time. Normally, manufacturing yards store data patterns according to the time data type. EVAM RoT can not only organize data by time, but also based on each product produced. For instance, all sensor data of the product at each stage of productization can be kept in a single line.

2. Monitoring: Once the data is transformed into the structure we want, all that’s left is to monitor them. EVAM provides instant monitoring of all flows in the factory area. Also, you can reach dashboards via any device (mobile or web). Thus, you feel like yourself in the production line and can manage a product’s progress from anywhere.

3. Cost Optimization: Costs can be reduced by making decisions based on meaningful data from things. Also, the negative risks that may occur in production can be minimized. For example, you can create a scenario which draws in EVAM RoT, instantly detect manufacturing defect with data from PLC.

4. Continuous Quality Improvement: Preserving and improving quality is probably one of the most difficult processes in manufacturing. You can improve product quality by creating EVAM scenarios. How? For instance, the artificial intelligence function helps you to find parameters that affect quality so you can efficiently find and fill gaps.

5. Step Up the Production: It is everyone’s dream to increase the quantity produced while preserving quality and reducing costs. When EVAM RoT is implemented, quantity increases and costs are reduced by ensuring quality. How can we increase the amount produced? The parameters that will increase the speed of production can be found by artificial intelligence. By creating new scenarios with the parameters found, sustainability in production can be increased with the fast alarm or intervention systems. In its simplest form, you can use EVAM RoT to create simulations for new processes by accessing structured data that shows the progress of production.

6. Predictive Maintenance: Predictive maintenance is a proactive maintenance strategy that tries to predict when a piece of equipment could fail, enabling you to perform maintenance work just before it fails. EVAM RoT provides the following processes in predictive maintenance.

  • Reach dangerous and inaccessible measure points.
  • Avoid problematic operational or maintenance deviation.
  • Discover harmful operating conditions.
  • Schedule machine maintenance with more precision.
EVAM Rule of Things - RoT

How does EVAM RoT Work?

EVAM RoT is a product that delivers service on Amazon Web Service (AWS). Optionally, it can be used completely in the cloud or as a hybrid — meaning orchestration among various platforms, such as on-premises and cloud-based. It can also be easily integrated with other popular services offered by AWS. EVAM can connect and listen to every fountain (sensors, things, etc.) where data flows. If there is no program related to data transfer in connected devices, EVAM can include agents in its SDK into this environment. After EVAM RoT makes the incoming data structured and meaningful, desired scenarios can be created. Some of the capabilities for usage areas after integration include:

  • Scenarios can be created based on values such as temperature or image coming from the sensor or cameras. For example, if there is a temperature = X and image = Y, to create an alarm or decrease the temperature by sending an SMS.
  • Each incoming transaction data in the scenario is called “thing.”
  • A situation that occurs in one scenario can trigger an event in another scenario.
  • You can use RoT as middleware and generate scenarios for sending data stacks to the storage you want after structuring them.
  • You can build scenarios on artificial intelligence functions in subjects such as anomaly detection and parameter optimization.


The biggest need for the new age is to make data understandable. In this direction, EVAM offers a service beyond the new standards in production areas and factories with its RoT product.



Yiğit Şener
Yiğit Şener

Written by Yiğit Şener

Marketing, Analytics, Data Science, AI, Psychology, Management | Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yigitsener

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